becoming dependent on marijuana to be spiritual can take you away from your own spiritual practice. marijuana is estrogenic and for men it works against your testosterone. marijuana can slow your maturity and personal growth. marijuana is time consuming and energy consuming. you can become dependent on marijuana in order to feel good and when you're left without marijuana you don't feel as good. marijuana will cause a chain reaction in your biochemistry that will transform your body. your brain will slowly become damaged. although marijuana will not give you lung cancer it's not the best for your lungs to smoke it. marijuana is a fairly expensive habit and it is about as addictive as caffeine. marijuana trains you not to seek happiness and enlightenment on your own. it causes you to delve into unrealistic fantasies about yourself and reality. furthermore you train your brain's happy response to be dependant on marijuana.
mark the date when you begin your two months. for two months don't consume marijuana. If you accidently consume marijuana, reset your start day to today. if you still feel the urge to consume marijuana after two months, add another two months.
each day after you say your mirror mantra add in this mantra:
I want to be in control of my own body and mind. I don't want to waste my money time and energy on marijuana. I want to unleash my inner spirituality. I want to get healthy by learning to exist on my own without an easy high. I want to heal my spirit by fixing my biochemical dependency. I am doing this because I care about myself and those around me. I want to quit marijuana to become a better person.
when you have completed your two months and and no longer feel an urge to smoke marijuana remove the previously mentioned mantra and add this phrase to the end of your mirror mantra:
I have grown past marijuana.