The fast scrolls document a way of life. They teach an individual physical, mental, and spiritual enlightenment. Physical enlightenment is taught via mastery over one's own possessions, body, source of food intake, finances, and more. Mental and spiritual mastery is taught from a combination of teachings handed down over centuries. Everything in the fast scrolls is optional. If there is a part of the fast scrolls you don't like, ignore it. Only focus on the parts that fit in with your worldview and benefit you.
The ultimate path of a fastmonk who follows the scrolls to the letter would be to become a pilgrim monk who is cable of surviving on just what he can carry on his person. A fastmonk can survive on the dust in the wind so to speak. Much like a superhero or the christ or the buddha who travelled with just what they could carry with them, a fastmonk is prepared to do this if they have to. A fastmonk learns how to become financially impervious, and many other useful skills.
Ultimately a fastmonk is able to escape out of this universe and travel the omniverse, breaking free of the matrix. This is a process called ascention, and it means going beyond the fourth dimension. fastmonks are psychonauts who travel the universe and defend against evil. They weild great physical and spiritual power.
A true fastmonk has read the scrolls deeply enough to become a djedi.