Have you heard the stories of biblical characters travelling the world with nothing but what they can carry with them? Have you ever seen a movie or played a game or read a comic where the protagonist goes on a wild adventure with nothing but what they can carry with them? Are you prepared to go on an adventure? Most people aren't. According to the fast scrolls, you should be. The fast scrolls do not expect you to live a minimalist life permanantly. But to be prepared as a spiritual warrior is to be prepared to leave everything behind and go on an adventure to save the world.

Your environmental impact is very proportional to the stuff that you buy throughout your life. If you do choose to live a minimalist life you can reduce your environmental impact far below what the average earthling consumes.

Pack a backpack and a suitcase. Don't get rid of your possessions in your house, but pretend they are gone. Live in your own house with nothing but what you can fit into that bag and suitcase for an extended period of time. Whittle your possessions down until you can survive out of your pockets. Anything in your house that would be in a hotel is fair game to use. When you are convinced that you know how to survive out of your pockets, start using all of your things again. Keep a go-bag ready in case of emergencies and know how to survive out of it.